The School of Hard Knocks

Hi, this is my first blog, so be gentle with me!

My name is Karen and I live in the South of England, I’m married with 3 children, 6 grandchildren , 2 dogs and 14 guinea pigs! Yes, 14 guinea pigs ( I rescue them)

The reason I’ve chosen to title my blog, The School of Hard Knocks, is simply because I feel so often through people I meet that if you come from a less than affluent background your chances in life may be less than that of someone who does. In truth I have probably wondered that myself from time to time, as I myself came from the school of hard knocks.

I grew up on a council estate which to say had a bad reputation would be sugar-coating it, although by todays standards there are far worse places. If I’m honest I could have done better at school, I certainly had the ability, but unfortunately the encouragement was not forthcoming. Despite having wonderful, decent, hardworking parents the emphasis back in the 70’s was to start work the moment you left school. Unlike today jobs for under achievers like me where plentiful. I started working in a local factory, within days of leaving school. I have always worked hard, however I was determined to have a better life than many of the people I grew up with. I didn’t want the drunken husband that came home and blacked my eyes or spent all our money on the horses! My mum was a huge influence in my life as was my dad. I remember something she said to me when I was about 13 after I’d told her that a girl at schools mother had told her not to be my friend because where I lived they were all thugs and generally bad people. My mum instantly said, ‘let this shallow lady think whatever she likes, but just remember never to prove her right”.It was the best advice I could ever have been given, and I know mum and dad were proud of the fact that I never got into trouble with the police, despite having friends who did.

Do I think that where I lived and the people around me has made me the person I am today? I like to think yes.  Do I think we make our own destinies? Yes I do.  Would I want to change anything? No I would not. But would i want to go back? No I wouldn’t!

I feel blessed that I live in a lovely house which has been a really happy family home to many, yet despite the fact that we could have bought a house in any area I still live within walking distance of where I grew up, and still have many of my childhood friends



4 thoughts on “The School of Hard Knocks

  1. Hi, congrats on your first blog, and on getting into writing seriously! I’ve only just started my blog too, so I’m in the same boat!

    I like the sound of your books so far, and they can’t be bad if you’ve got a following! I know absolutely nothing about publishing or self-publishing other than what I’ve learnt online, so can’t really comment on whether creating your first book as a free e-book is a good idea (although it should definitely engage readers!). What I have always believed strongly though is that you should get someone else to edit your work before it goes published – things like typos that we can’t see (as we’ve skimmed over the page so many times) can be really off-putting to readers, and it’s so important to make a great first impression!

    Remember that once something’s on the internet it’s a) available to everyone (so make sure you copyright) and b) available to be judged – so make sure it’s perfect!

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

    • Hi Jess, I enjoyed your blogg and took on board what you said. I’ve actually written several novels. I suppose you could say I’m an addict! In truth I think I was born to write, or at least thats what my family say ha-ha.
      I never really considered seriously canvasing for an agent until a couple of years ago. It was other people who have really encouraged me to do so, although I realise I probably stand a better chance of becoming the next prime minister than securing an agent.
      If i’m honest publishing via an agent is not that important to me, after all, its only one persons opinion. I’m confident there are some incredible writers out there who should have an agent, but can’t get one to take them on. We all know that the hardest place in the world to get an agent is Britain.
      For as long as I can remember I’ve loved to write. I write novels which are in some way significant to me. I’ve actually just finished a comedy which is losely based on my life and family, so far eveyone who’s read it thinks its hilarious, the feedback i’ve had has been amazing! I even had a lovely young man convert it into script, so far we’ve writen six episodes for a TV sit com. Yet if i’m honest my gangland london underworld books are my favourites, the series of novels are centered around a group of characters. They are very expicit, regarding, sex and violence, crime etc. The strange thing about those books is, women love them!
      I hope other would be writers read your blog as you were right to mention copy right etc. Fortunately I always get copy right and use every safeguard regarding my work, although I’m amazed at just how many writers don’t. I am also blessed with many friends from many walks of life who help with my books. I actually have two friends who edit for me, one is an english teacher the other works in the legal profession.I also have a retired proof reader who reads my work, although I must say she does find my gangland books a little heavy for her. I have self published once for personel reasons, never again! I’ve also had two pems published after entering them in two seperate poetry competitions.
      Until now my problem has always been having the time to write, many nights I’ve come downstairs at 3or 4 in the morning to get another chapter done.
      When I was fostering my daily routine was chaos! In many ways it still is, as I’m a lady who likes to keep busy. However for me the most wonderful thing is now having time to follow my greatest passion, writing.
      I hope to correspond with you again and should my books eventually go onto E books I’d like to think you may read them? I hope you don’t find to many mistakes in this reply, if you do I’ll just apologise up front and explain that I’ve been up since 5.30 this morning and it is now almost midnight ha-ha. That just leaves me to say, I wish you good luck and happiness, warmest regards Karen (Kaz) xx

      • Sorry to take so long to reply, I’ve had an extremely busy couple of weeks! I’d love to read your books if you get them into an e-format, so keep us posted! Good luck whatever you decide to do 🙂

    • hi Jess, great to hear from you again. Like you I haven’t been keeping up with my blogging. Not a very good few days for me, had to have one of my dogs put to sleep last week, he was only 5yrs 6mths, he had lesions on his brain, turned very strange. A real nutter but I loved him, couldn’t stop crying for 3 days. Just coulnt get into my writing either, but I’m back on top now and currently writing the sequel to my last novel, its gone down really well with my little army of readers. Not my usual write, its a comedy based losely on my family and friends. I actually have 3 books on the go at the moment, like I said, I’m an addict ha-ha!
      My London books are with my the friends who edit for meat the mo, then onto my proof readers. With luck I might get them on E books in the new year? Just want them to be as good as they can be. Have 2 books out with agents that havent been rejected yet? they’ve had them several weeks, so fingers crossed hey!
      Won’t be working on my sit-com for a couple of weeks now, the man who’s writing it with me is away again on buisness. Still shouldnt moan he’s so lovely, a genius no less ha- ha and he’s not charging me! Who knows it might even make the TV one day? Ok Jess got to go now dinner to cook, look forward to hearing from you, take care kaz xxxxxx

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